Blog Talk Radio: Numerology and What’s in Store for 2015

The Pure Hope Show – December 30, 7:00pm

Special Guest: Deb Schubert

Episode #22 of the PURE HOPE SHOW!
Twenty-two is a major vibration of a master number! Everything in the Universe vibrates at its own particular frequency. By finding the vibrational rate of any object, you can establish the qualities and energies associated with it. Numerology is the study of the symbolism of numbers; it is used to determine a person’s personality, strengths and talents, obstacles and inner needs.

We are so ready to welcome Ms. Deb Schubert to the “Pure Hope Show”. Deb will be sharing with us what the numbers say and what to expect for 2015.
Deb’s life radically changed in the early nineties when she took her first Reiki class. She became a Reiki Master, left her career as a dancer teaching at the college level, and moved to Colorado. Her private practice has evolved over the years, beginning with energy healing and then establishing a name that embraces her work called “Vital Flow”. Deb has published a deck of movements for healing called TIJAH and she’s written about the concepts of healer/warrior as a partnership for balance and mastery. Deb is also a numerologist and incorporates this invaluable tool into many aspects of her life and work.

Check Out Spirituality Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Rev Janice Hope Gorman

We invite you to check out our archived programs where you will find some fascinating topics and learn from teachers from throughout the country. Help make The Pure Hope Show grow by posting it on Facebook and sharing it with others. We are working with the Spiritual Ascended Master on this program to spread the light around the world. May Peace Prevail ON Earth! Merry Christmas!

Inspirational/Christmas Music Night at HIC

Come join us for an inspirational night of music with Karrey & Shelby Tweten!
December 18th – 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Karrey and Shelby asked to come to HIC and give us a concert from the center of their hearts.

To inspire is…..”to breathe life into”.
To lift thought higher. To fill with hope.

Inspirational music is just that and more.

Inspiration music embraces all spiritual ideas, spans all cultures, and speaks of love, hope and giving and caring! It is my hope that we will have the great room at HIC filled with people who come to enjoy, laugh and have fellowship with others who love music. Come and warm up your hearts with music and be filled with joy!

Mark your calendars, invite all your friends and come to this glorious event, which is being offered freely from the hearts of the Tweten family!

Hope to see you all there! Happy Holiday Cheer for ALL!

Shelby singing Rather Be

Shelby on American Idol

Shelby on American Idol

Blog Talk Radio: The New Cities of Light

The Pure Hope Show – November 25, 2014

Special Guest, Rev. Kari Chapman

Rev. Kari Chapman will share her recent Spiritual Journey of Peace & Freedom to the Middle East/Saudi Arabia. We will have a magical interesting talk about her experiences with the New Cities of Light, the Starship Genesis World Servers of Peace that she helped bring through in the Middle East and one in Amsterdam the Consortium. She will share what exactly a City of Light is and give information about the New Cities of Lights that are now being anchored on Earth.

During this program, you will find out what all the warring energies are and WHY current earth changes are happening to humanity. Listen and learn how you can play a part in helping the Divine Plan at Hand! Kari will be opening herself to Spirit to allow new messages to come through.

This episode of the Pure Hope Blog Talk Radio Show aired live on Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Rev. Kari ChapmanRev. Kari Chapman is a soul interventionist and internally known as a Teacher for Teachers. She is the founder of the Namaste Healing Center in Lake Mills, WI.  Rev. Chapman is also a conscious multidimensional psychic and a dedicated healer. Kari conducts Akashic Record Readings with Archangel Michael and many multidimensional, angelic and galactic hierarchies. She is an author of five published books and is dedicated to helping others with transformation and personal growth. She gives accurate, compassionate, holy psychic readings.

I invite you all to spread this news to others and listen to this most informative program.  All of our programs are intentionally filled with Love and Light!
Blessings from Hope

Blog Talk Radio: What type of Spiritual Teacher are you looking for?

This episode of the Pure Hope Blog Talk Radio Show aired live on Tuesday, October 28, 2014

There are many different varieties of Spiritual Teachers you can choose from; Intellectual Teachers, Psychic Teachers, Heart Teachers, Body Healers and Empowerment Teachers. Obviously, there are many more and obviously, there is plenty of overlap. Boundaries are illusory, but this program will help you see the difference in teachers and what it takes to be a Spiritual Teacher who helps people move out of their drama and into their dharma!

Image_Melanie_WilliamsMelanie Williams from my own home town of Mankato, Minnesota will be joining me on the “Pure Hope Show”. She is a teacher who helps people move into alignment with their Divine Self. Her teachings encourage people to live the life they desire. She teaches students to create a Daily Practice that allows people to connect with Spirit and finally helps people move out of there self-made drama and into their dharma.

Come join us live on Tuesday, October 28 at 7:00 p.m. You can call in during the show to ask questions and/or to make a comment. We encourage any and all questions about how to pick a spiritual teacher and what to look for. The call-in number is 213-559-2974 – then press 1 (one) and you will be on the air with Rev. Janice Hope Gorman will welcome you to the show with a positive and powerful energetic greeting!

For more information about Melanie Williams, visit her website at
Visit the archives of the Pure Hope Show HERE. You can set up a reminder so you don’t miss an episode!

Channeled Message from Mother Hope

As I bring this forth, I want you all to know that I sat at my little altar at home for a few moments before I went into deep prayer and sacred communion. I chanted a Mantra to the ONENESS for several hours and was reveling in a sublime state of Divine connectedness. I could feel the Presence of the Divine Mother/Father within my body, as it swayed with the joy of the Presence of the ONE. The sweet smile on my face which for me signals the Presence was on my lips. And the deep sense of complete LOVE from within my heart I knew I was completely connected. In this moment, all was well in my world.

My child you are now free from thought and you are unable to conjure up thoughts within you. Because you have lost your identity as Janice or Hope or even Mother Hope, you are not the “you” that you think you are. You are ME and I am YOU! There is no separation between the ONENESS and you. Please tell all others of this truth as well. We also want you to tell them that there are no should or should not’s in any of your situations. You are just choosing from a menu of infinite possibility and the selections are great. We would just tell you that your choices of which you are making for your highest good and the highest good of all. You are not required to make those selections. We are just asking you this question so you can reach your permanent stage of JOY and BLISS!

  • Remember there are no failures here. Just outcomes from your choices of which you have chosen to create. Any scenario that is happening in your life is an energetic experience that you are participating in. If you do not like where you are at then you also must know that it is not necessary for you to make these choices. The option to abide in the Divine Connection that is so very Present is also an option that you are welcome to choose, and to experience.
  • You have the power and abilities right now within you to make other experiences in your life. And if you continue to listen to truth you will realize that ONENESS is already your nature and your natural existence.
  • This is time to have a monologue with your hearts. So hold them tight and reach inside and feel your own personal powers and abilities.
  • Continue to ride the waves and rejoice in the journey and know you have the power to change everything in your life.
  • One does not need to “qualify” in some linear fashion for the experience of BLISS!
  • You are the creators! So make your choices and realize at any moment you are able to make another.
  • Suspend your mind within your heart and see how the Eagle and the Condor have come together within you.

The identity of who is speaking in this instant is ONENESS. There is no one home inside Hope. There is only ONENESS. There is no separation between the one whose identity characterizes herself as HOPE. It is also the same for you! You are all flowing in the ONENESS NOW! Enjoy and Rejoice for there is only ONE BEING.

Pure Hope Blog Talk Radio Show: Practical Spirituality

“Practical Spirituality; The Practicality of living It!”

Join us on an adventure to talk about “Practical Spirituality; The Practicality of living It!” The first thing you have to do of living to become a highly Spiritual functional being is to be fully integrated in your body on an energetic level. In this adventure with Selina Maitreya, we will gather the fruit of her wisdom to reach upward to become one with your Higher Self and connecting with the higher powers of the universe- You have access all the time to your Universal Mind, Higher Will, and Light as a living entity. There is a wave of energy passing through our galaxy that is altering the course of all life it touches. Let the Light of this show pass through you altering the course of your life!

SelinaSelina Maitreya is a highly regarded consultant to commercial photographers worldwide. She is a published author of 2 best-selling books and a global lecturer. Prior to and concurrent to her coaching career for the last 30 + years, she has been a spiritual student studying many philosophies, and spiritual practices. Drawn to the simple yet powerful idea that WE ARE ALL ONE; that our natural inheritance in LOVE, and that our actions affect not only us but every single energy entity, Selina began to live her life as her practice. Committed to responding from one of the many faces of LOVE to life’s many challenges, gifts and experiences. Selina realized that regardless of external circumstances as she responded to life through one of the many faces of love; kindness, gratitude, compassion, wisdom and tolerance she was creating a life that is peaceful and abundant, with relationships that are rich and meaningful. Please join us with this Spiritual Teacher who walks her talk!

Selina Maitreya –


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Radiating Energy

Dear Friends,

Once, long ago, rulers in India kept monks close to their courts. They knew about energy expansion and radiation and they knew that daily meditation for peace had a calming effect on the populace. The kings took care of the monks so they could care for society. Even in medieval Europe, villages felt protected against robbers in the presence of a nearby monastery. This ancient wisdom is being rediscovered and used at the Hope Interfaith Center and we are very proud to be connected to other groups who are gathering to create world peace.

The idea that groups of meditating people can influence the societies around them challenges many people. I also know that many people’s lives are extremely busy and believe that solo meditation is just as good. But I have had an opportunity to go to Fairfield, Iowa and do some T.M. meditation and also study a bit about the Maharishi who I believe was a remarkable Indian Guru who came to inspire Westerners to meditate for world peace. Also, I am staying connected to a woman in Peru who is helping me explore the sacred science of shamanic techniques. I am learning more and more about the fascinating body of research on our consciousness that seems to prove that group meditation has the potential to reduce violence and conflict in the world.

Especially with this incoming energy that is bathing the Universe at this time, I know it’s still hard to believe, yes. But more and more rigorous research is showing the impact of group meditation which exceeds that of any other ongoing social or psychological research program ever done. This research is still going on and on and it has survived a broader array of statistical tests than most research in the field on conflict resolution.

The findings on group meditation for world peace have been startling. And, if you want to dig into this more please do so and pass on this information to me. For I am dedicated to bringing people together in our temple at the Hope Interfaith Center to blaze light and love unto this beautiful planet. When groups of dedicated people gather together for the intention of world peace the group has an increased coherence and it is said that the energy of this intention has a “spill over” effect. When you come to these groups and participate fully the participants are more awake, they see the big picture and are more positive. They radiate an energy that magnetically enhances their own personal lives. Your life can take on a certain magical energy that helps you flow verses always being in a struggle with life. When people come together in groups at the Hope Interfaith Center their brain waves synchronize and then we synchronize our group energy with all the other groups around the world and we create a Tsunami of LOVE and we watch it ripple around the world. The impact of synchronizing our energies affect the Global Consciousness and the behavior of random systems changes around the world. If we all would look to the principles of quantum physics we could all agree that our temple is making a difference in our world.

Now, at the Hope Interfaith Center, we provide a place and form groups that intentionally connect with other groups around the world to create a sophisticated, powerful, potent energy of an ocean of LOVE. We are peacemakers! During this fall and winter I am sending a clarion call out to you my friends to come check us out. We will be having ongoing group meditations for world peace at our center. At each of our spiritual services this fall and winter we will be doing a 10 minute powerful period to synchronize our heart-minds for the intentional purpose of bringing peace upon our planet. Now if everyone who comes to our Spiritual Services only invites one other person to our temple the second Sunday of every month the vibration and frequency will double in size immediately.

We at the Hope Interfaith Center are a peace loving community that is dedicated with our actions and not just our talk to creating peace on Earth and good will for all! Please continue to read up on the other groups and events that we offer at our temple. I am sure you will find a place in one of the many groups that we offer.

With Pure Heart,
Rev. Janice Hope Gorman

Into the Heart of Pachamama and How to Love Her

New Spirituality Internet Radio with Rev Janice Hope Gorman on BlogTalkRadio

Llyn Roberts, MA – is an acclaimed teacher of healing and shamanism. A modern-day mystic and spiritual ecologist, her work inspires a deep sense of belonging with the natural world.

Llyn has trained extensively with traditional Andean healers and was initiated into shamanic circles by Quechua peoples in South America, and in Siberia. She received her master’s degree in Tibetan Buddhist and Western Psychology in 1985 at the Naropa University and interned in India through The School for International Training. She has been a Reiki practitioner since 1988 and a Reiki master-teacher since 1993 (Shamanic Reiki since the late 1990′s); was a psychology intern with Hispanic populations in the U.S. and with children in India where she also studied Buddhism, naturopathy, and yoga with B.K.S. Iyengar. She worked as a psychotherapist for the Buddhist inspired therapeutic community, Maitri Psychological Services in Boulder, CO.

Roberts has facilitated sacred journeys to work alongside indigenous people living in remote regions of the Amazon basin, the Asian steppes, high Andes, and in ancient Maya lands of Central America. She facilitates annual women’s expeditions to work intensively with Maya Elders and a sacred journey to West China commences 2015.

Llyn teaches at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY, at Esalen, in Big Sur, CA and other holistic educational institutes. She has presented for The Prophet’s Conference, Bioneers at shamanic and wisdom keeper gatherings with Eagle Condor Foundation, at Hollyhock, Rowe Conference Center, Kripalu and others. Llyn was consultant to the University of Massachusetts/Dartmouth Sustainability Initiative and the non-profit organization, Earth Train, dedicated to the preservation of indigenous cultures and rain forests in Panama. She collaborated with the Omega Institute to produce indigenous shamanic gatherings; serves as adjunct faculty for Union Graduate School and The Graduate Institute. She worked for over a decade as director of the non-profit organization, Dream Change (, founded by NY Times bestselling author, John Perkins. For 16 years, she and co-facilitator, John Perkins, presented transformational programs that integrate indigenous wisdom.

Through Dream Change, Roberts supported the translation and publication of the ethnography, The Last of the Shor Shamans, and The Spiritual Wisdom of the Altai. She has been featured at Bioneers and Prophet’s Conference events; on the Wisdom Channel, on various radio, web and podcast programs; in Shaman’s Drum, Magical Blend, EarthStar, Reiki, Sacred Hoop, and other magazines; and has published numerous magazine articles. Her first book, The Good Remembering, is highlighted in the work of NY Times best selling author, Melody Beattie. Her second book, Shamanic Reiki is a popular best seller in printed in three languages. Her most recent, Shapeshifting into Higher Consciousness received an Independent Publisher’s Award in Mind, Body and Spirit, May 2012.

Her latest book, Speaking with Nature ~ Awakening to the Deep Wisdom of the Earth is co-authored with Sandra Ingerman. This book will be released through Inner Traditions in 2015. A new book, co-authored with Robert Y. Southard, is underway.


A Message From Hope: Receptivity

Dear Friends,

I am writing this letter while staying up at Tofte, Minnesota at the Chateau LeVeaux overlooking the beautiful Lake Superior.  Something is happening to me as I sit and celebrate my 60 years of living on planet earth.  I am writing this letter during my birthday break because I am also thinking of you my HIC friends.  So I wanted to share with you some of the information that happened to me when away from the center for a few days.  I am a woman who has an affinity to give and has a problem receiving.  So as I sat by this beautiful lake I received an invitation to inwardly listen and watch for my next steps in this new decade of my life.  I was told to get a big, beautiful wide glass vessel and was being instructed to go down to the lake and get water to fill it with.  Every day for five days I was requested to empty the vessel and then the next day fill it back up with the lake water.  I am sure Spirit and my guides from the ONENESS are teaching me to also have infinity to empty and just receive.  So, I dedicated my alter in my condo to this vessel which represented me.  This is why this letter for this summer is called “Receptivity”.

As human beings, we are largely uncomfortable with receiving, and instead are conditioned to give.  But this conditioning can deny us of what is also natural but to receive as well.  We humans for some reason are the opposite.  We tend to get hung up on producing, giving, and nurturing for others and we do, do, do and do.  I think many of us have a hard time taking in and truly receiving.  Most of our society and many of our backgrounds in our religious up bringing taught us not to value receiving.  In fact one way women avoid it is through an ongoing, habitual involvement in nourishing others but not themselves.   Now I am not asking you or I to stop giving but I am asking all of us to stop and smell the roses this Summer.  I will be the first one to admit that this is still an uncomfortable topic for me.  I have been one of those women who have an ongoing, habitual involvement in nourishing others.  So, I intentionally took time out from my daily life to come to a place that makes my heart sing.  Something happens to me every time I am up by this lake.  This is a very powerful place upon this planet right now.  We are so lucky to be living so close to a spot that is filled with light.  Most of you know that I had the opportunity to interview Christine Day.  She is an ambassador to the Pleadians and she has been opening up portals in and around this enormous lake.  I most certainly can feel her energy while being up here.  I am receiving!  I am receiving!  I am perhaps finally learning how to receive!  Wow, it is my wish that all of us this summer slowdown and receive.  Tomorrow, at this lake it is supposed to rain.  I am told now to watch how this mighty Lake Superior receives.  I am told to take my big, beautiful vessel down on the rocks and watch it fill up with rain that will be coming from the rain Goddess.  I am told to get wet, even wild or just relax and laugh a lot.  I am being told to smile and remember what the feeling feels like when I receive.  I will inhale and I will receive and I will get wet and I will even get a bit wild.  I will open up to the frequencies of brilliance.  I will listen to the transmissions of Christine Day’s and I will receive in this sacred moment an opening to the new dimensional structures and realign with the new birthing desires of my heart.  And I will continue to do this for not only this summer but for the rest of my life.   Join me won’t you!  Let us join together to receive the feeling of our true force of light and beauty and it will transform us on so many levels.  As this will also help transform the world.  For WE are All ONE!

Christine and I and Patricia Diane Cota Robles believe that we are in the middle of change right now and we are to expect the unexpected and yet continue to align to our heart center, breathe and let go and receive.  This is the time for each one of us to just be “in the moment this Summer”, taking one step at a time, not trying to project what will happen, or how it will happen or even what is happening.  This would bring the energy right up into our head.  This change that is happening is not an intellectually event.  It is a heartfelt event of our many life times on planet earth.  Let us all this summer be in the moment, be positive and trust that the world is in good hands and going up the right path.  We are all playing a role in this most eventful occasion on planet earth.  We at the Hope Interfaith Center will be offering some NEW groups this summer that you just might really like.  Please continue to read on and always know that you are welcome for any event as we join together to create the NEW EARTH!  May we all enjoy the art of receptivity!

Happy Receiving Everyone!

With Pure Heart,

Message From Hope: Perfection of Our Pattern

Dear Friends,

There is a pattern of perfection that happens in Nature. I see it in every season we have in our wonderful state of Minnesota. Many people would agree with me that each season has its own unique beautiful, perfect pattern. I truly enjoyed my summer with all of the new things that happened at HIC. We got new beautiful carpet in our Great Room. And of course we received the beautiful gift of our new gazebo on our land. Now we are into the season of autumn and the pattern of life continues to change and transform.

Do you know that there is another pattern of perfection at the center of your being which has never been touched by disease or misfortune? Your intellect senses this through intuition, your imagination feels it by divine right, your inward consciousness knows it through faith. This Spirit of Oneness neither sleeps nor slumbers nor forgets who it is. Any maladjustment in your life will be healed when you realize this perfect pattern center within yourself.

The vision you must catch and hold is the consciousness of a union so complete and perfect that you find no difference between your own inner being and the beloved Source. The two are ONE. I know that other thoughts and teachings from our world can uproot you and make you doubt this union. I know that we have all been inundated with ideas of our non-perfection.

But here at the Hope Interfaith Center we teach about our ONENESS with Source and the walls come down. Pure Love is anchored in the heart of all humans and it becomes the main attribute, depending, however, upon the individual’s evolvement for its expansion or stagnation. From a person in whose being Love has been awakened there is always a conscious radiation of peace and good will that steadily goes forth from the aura. It is felt, practically by any one that comes in contact with them.

When we remember who we are in our actual life we have the power to reverse old thought patterns by definitely knowing that they can no longer operate through us. This is more than a theory. Thoughts and feelings of peace will reverse thoughts and feelings of confusion. A consciousness of faith will reverse fear. Thoughts and feelings of LOVE dissolve hate. It has been determined by the Beings of Light that what Humanity needs the most for the dawning of this New Age is for humans to raise their consciousness above the human miscreations. We need now to pierce through the density of this illusion and enter the realms of Illumined Truth and create the NEW WORLD.

So, we at the Hope Interfaith Center provide classes, events, private teachings that help open up people to become the continuous flow of love and light. It’s time to increase our efforts to hold a frequency of Pure Divine Love. So join us for anything and you will see the reason to come. Even our Spiritual Services will help you to increase your vibration and they are designed to help you hold the vibration of LOVE. Our Mother God and Father God essence is returning to the earth in patterns of perfection through us.

I so enjoy seeing all of you when you come to the temple. Please come and join our community and help us create the new patterns of perfection through a group commitment of coming together with the intention to only project LOVE.

With Pure Heart,